Fae of the Fern

Magical, mystical clothing for your inner pixie, fairy, hobbit, gnome or goblin

faeofthefern wisp cloak
fae of the fern moss cloak
fae of the fern cloaks

embrace your inner fae

Welcome to Fae of the Fern, where enchantment meets fashion! Step into a realm of magic and fantasy as we present you with our enthralling line of unique clothing and accessories, designed to awaken the inner fae in everyone. We pour our hearts and souls into each creation, infusing them with the essence of fairy tales and folklore.

More than just beautiful designs; we strive for inclusivity and accessibility, embracing all individuals, regardless of their shape, size, or identity.

Get in Touch

Light the beacons, send a message in a bottle, cast a clairaudience spell, send a falcon, polish your crystal ball or reach out however you please.

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